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SHIPPING- all looms are fully assembled to ensure proper fit and function ... then feet, 'fingers free' shed opener and rubberized knobs are dismounted for shipping.

  • Minor assembly required – so you can start weaving right away.
  • Pre-assembled loom comes fully threaded with yarn (called the ‘warp’). You can be weaving your first project in a few minutes.
  • To get you started, the first inch or so of the warp yarns have already been woven for you so you can see ahead of time what you will be creating.
  • Comes with a hardwood shuttle, pre-loaded with yarn - part of our 'Quick Start'  out-of-the-box support approach to giving each person who buys our loom everything to start right away.
  • Ships with printed detailed, step by step, instructions, with many photos, to help you gain immediate confidence, and help you complete your first project.
  • Access to detailed instructional videos on our website’s Learning Center so that you don’t have to learn on your own (Home  > More > Learning Center).
  • Extended back section lets you create longer pieces - 10' 2" maximum pre-weaving warp length.
  • Includes our revolutionary ‘Fingers Free' Inkle Loom Shed Opener (patent pending) that lets you more easily and quickly open sheds --- eliminating the need to use your fingers to manually create the upper and lower shed --- while also reducing awkwardness, stress and harm to your wrist, hand and fingers.
  • Equipped with warp thread tensioner that has comfortable rubberized handle .
  • The front sliding tensioner's slot gives you a full 6.5” of warp thread tensioning adjustment, typically much more than found on other inkle looms. Let’s you maximize the full potential of the length of your warp yarns.
  • Includes 50 pre-made heddles so that you don’t need to make them before starting to weave and create.  Some are already in place in your pre-warped yarns, so you can not only make use of them, but see how they are used and placed. 

Skagit Model

    • Includes our revolutionary ‘Fingers Free' Inkle Loom Shed Opener (patent pending).
    • Made with Beech hardwood construction, and  'Fingers Free' shed opener made from sepele wood.
    • All pegs are made of hard maple, 4.5" long;  warping pegs are 5/8"  and sliding tensioner peg is 1" diameter.
    • Loom is 28" long, 14" tall, 10" wide, and weighs 5.5 lbs.
    • Includes 50 pre-made heddles
    • Includes wood shuttle, pre-wrapped with yarn for the weft.
    • An extended back section provides 10' 2" maximum pre-weaving warp length.
    • The front sliding tensioner's slot provides a full 6” of warp thread tensioning adjustment.
    • There are no sharp corners – Every edge has been rounded. 

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