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SHIPPING- all looms are fully assembled to ensure proper fit and function ... then feet, 'fingers free' shed opener and rubberized knobs are dismounted for shipping.

Folks constantly ask if/when we will make a shorter inkle loom – with our next generation ‘fingers free’ shed opener – for those with limited space ...  “I love and want one of your looms, but they are too long for my space.  Can Kairos make me a smaller model Kairos inkle loom that meets the needs of us space-limited folks – yet offers the quality and functionality of your bigger inkle looms?


Meet our new inkle loom, Freyja (pronounced fray-yuh, the Scandinavian name of a goddess of beauty).  22” long (6 inches shorter than our Skagit and Pro models), that still allows bands warped up to 8+ feet long.  And its 5/8” x 4.5” pegs allow for a whopping maximum effective warped band width of 4.25”!


Think of Freyja as our Skagit model, but reduced in length, and a bit in height.


Freyja comes with all the goodies we include with our Skagit and Pro models


  • Length - 22"

    Height - 14"

    Width - 10"

    Weight - 5.9 lbs

    Wood - European beech

    Wood finish - hard finish - all wood surfaces

    Pegs - 5/8" x 4.5"

    Tensioner Slot - 5.75"

    Tensioner bolt - 3/8"

    Maximum warp length - 108 inches

    Feet  - included

    Foot clamps - included

    Pre-warped - yes

    Patent pending shed opener - included

    Extra heddles - included

    Heddle tying jig - included


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