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SHIPPING- all looms are fully assembled to ensure proper fit and function ... then feet, 'fingers free' shed opener and rubberized knobs are dismounted for shipping.

What is 'padauk', you ask?  This wood comes from central and tropical West Africa.  We choose pieces that accentuate its strong orange-red color and show eyecatching grain patterns.  


Since a motto of Kairos Inkle Looms is to not only give you easler weaving (our Fingers Free shed opener), but eyecatching asthetics as well, you'll b surprised how often this loom will be seen - and commented on - as your own work of art on display.


Although padauk color is known to slowly change to a darker coloration over time, we have applied multiple coats of high grade marine true varnish with UV-resistent additives to give the color added protection.

Dressed in Padauk

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