Our Skagit Model

Kairos Inkle Looms
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It Takes Your Breath Away Collection
Very special - and VERY LIMITED PRODUCTION - looms in this collection offer you every feature found in our Skagit Model that you want in your powerful inkle loom, including our revolutionary ‘Fingers Free’ Warp Shed Opener …… plus ...
You want an absolutely gorgeous inkle loom that can take your breath away? Or just imagine - someone comes in, sees your 'Breath Away' loom in a place of prominence, and you hear them say, "Oh...WOW! I've never seen anything like that! Does it really work, or is it an art piece?"
You want to own and create with an inkle loom that only 1 to 5 of the more than 7.9 billion people in the world possess? Our limited production for each series is typically 1 to 5 ... and that's it!
Want a loom that you are especially motivated to pass on as an heirloom?
Each of these breathtaking looms is made from exotic and expensive hard woods specially selected for their incredible looking grain. And no two are exactly the same!
Each one is finished with at least 10 hand-applied coats of long-lasting true varnish that makes you want to reach deep into it to touch your exotic wood.
Currently Available 'It Takes Your Breath Away' Inkle Looms
Click on the picture tbelow o see an expanded picture, more details, and ordering selections.